Melinda Elms, Principal
Hawthorne Elementary School, Oklahoma City
Learn how principal Melinda Elms is meeting the challenges of academic excellence in a positive, fun, and nurturing environment.
Education is not one size fits all. K-12 professional learning shouldn’t be either. At ProactiveEd, we work closely with each and every client to create a custom, homegrown professional development plan that best meets their needs.
With a complete range of services to assess and respond to the many initiatives occurring in our districts, schools, and classrooms today, we pick and choose elements from each of our modules to come up with a one-of-a-kind approach.
Our belief in deep implementation of quality, researched-based initiatives sets us apart and is our formula for successful interaction with school districts across the US.
Our solutions prepare district administrators and teachers to help students become college and career ready.
Our data-driven, systematic approach helps your district and school leaders select powerful campus-wide initiatives, organize campus activities, and deliver consistent improvement year after year.
Empower your teachers and teacher leaders to implement a proactive and systematic approach that incorporates standards, assessment, and instructional data to improve student achievement.
Our instructional framework and resources provide teachers with five easy-to-implement components that develop students’ conceptual understanding, problem-solving, and procedural fluency in math.
Through our work with ProActiveEd, we have been able to realize steady gains in our Strive HI scores, but more importantly our staff’s understanding of standards through the implementation of the Data-Driven Instructional Cycle has deepened. This has been impactful in shaping how our school views school design. —Principal, Honowai Elementary School